Miracle CD

It is a delight to announce the brand-new release of Miracle, an album of music close to my heart. We went all-out with this one! It features top singers and instrumentalists in the Vancouver area. The sound engineering was done by two sound engineers well-known for their work with the CBC, Don Harder and Brian Chan, with editing by Brian Chan and Grant Rowledge. The album was mastered by Grant Rowledge, also long-esteemed for his work with the CBC . The cover art is shared with kind permission by Gus Yamin, and graphic artist Shannon Lythgoe designed the CD jacket. The portrait photography and web-page design is by Steve Plitt. I am very grateful to all of these folks and everyone involved in the project, and I am very excited it is complete! The album is in memory of my dear mom, Alice Williams.

Miracle is now available in CD, Album Download, and Individual Track Downloads. My first album, Shades of Green, is also now available through these means. Once project costs for the recording of Miracle have been covered, any/all profits above those costs from Miracle recording sales will be donated to World Vision, in support of refugees.
