Translations included in italics to the right of text where applicable
Piece Titles in Miracle
How Long, O Lord?
Text: Psalm 13: 1-2, & final 2 lines inspired by Psalms 22, 31, 38, 40, 70, 71, 79, & 141.
Music by John R. Williams, ©2012.
How long, O Lord?
How long?
How long, O Lord?
Will you forget me forever?
How long, O Lord?
How long, O Lord?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long, O Lord? How long?
How long?
How long, O Lord? How long?
Will you forget Ey-ey
me forever? Ey-ey
How long, O Lord? Ahh
How long, O Lord? Ahh
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long?
How long?
How long, O Lord? How long?
How long?
How long, O Lord? How long?
Will you forget Ey-ey
me forever? Ey-ey
How long, O Lord? Ahh
Oh, hear our cry! Ahh
Come quickly, Lord have mercy
and save us.
How long?
How long?
How long, O Lord?
Oh, hear our cry!
Come quickly, Lord have mercy
and save us.
Lumen de lumine
Text: Latin and English piece that includes within it and is based upon the O Oriens antiphon, one of the seven ‘Great Advent Antiphons’ from 6th Century Italy, sung traditionally during Advent. The original O Oriens text is found in the piece in the stanza beginning “O Oriens, splendor lucis aeternae…”, and the subsequent stanza is the English translation of the original text. Other text in this piece is by John R. Williams, ©2014.
Music by John R. Williams, ©2014.
Veni, lumen de lumine. Come, light of lights
Veni, lumen de lumine. Come, light of lights
noctis depelle nebulas drive away darkness’ cloud
veni, veni O Oriens. Come, come O Morning Star.
Veni, lumen de lumine. Come, light of lights
Veni, lumen de lumine. Come, light of lights
noctis depelle nebulas drive away darkness’ cloud
veni, veni O Oriens. Come, come O Morning Star
O lumen de lumine O Light of lights
O lumen de lumine O Light of lights
Light of lights
Light of lights
Come shine upon us.
Hear our cry, O Light Eternal
Illumine the shades of our night
Restore to Your people
the radiance of Your presence
Bring love, hope, healing, and light.
Come, O come, O Light of lights!
Come, O come, O Light of lights!
Come dispel the shades of darkness
O come, O Dayspring from on high.
O lumen de lumine O Light of lights
O lumen de lumine O Light of lights
Light of lights
Light of lights
Come shine upon us.
O Oriens, O Morning Star,
splendor lucis aeternae Splendour of Light Eternal
et sol justitiae, and Sun of Righteousness,
veni et illumina Come and enlighten
sedentes in tenebris those who walk in darkness
et umbra mortis. and in the shadow of death
O Morning Star
Splendour of Light Eternal
O Sun of Righteousness
Come and enlighten
Those who dwell in darkness
and in the shadow of death.
O lumen de lumine O Light of lights
O lumen de lumine O Light of lights
O lumen de lumine O Light of lights
O lumen de lumine O Light of lights
Light of lights
Light of lights
Come shine upon us.
Veni, lumen de lumine. Come, light of lights
Veni, lumen de lumine. Come, light of lights
noctis depelle nebulas drive away darkness’ cloud
Veni, veni O Oriens. Come, come O Morning Star
Veni, O lumen de lumine Come, O Light of lights.
Veni, O lumen de lumine Come, O Light of lights.
Videte miraculum
Text: Respond from the Feast of the Purification, in Latin.
Music by John R. Williams, © 2015.
Videte miraculum Behold the miracle
matris Domini: of the mother of the Lord:
concepit virgo virilis [who] conceived as a virgin
ignara consortii, though she knows not a man,
stans onerata nobili stands laden nobly
onere Maria; pregnant Mary,
et matrem and a mother
se laetam cognoscit, happily knows herself,
quae se nescit uxorem. knowing not she is a wife.
Haec speciosum forma This beautiful form
prae filiis hominum beyond all the sons of men
castis concepit is chastely conceived
visceribus within her womb
et benedicta and blessed
in aeternum for eternity;
Deum nobis protulit God for us, brought forth,
et hominem. and man.
Gloria Patri Glory to the Father
et Filio and the Son,
et Spiritui Sancto. and the Holy Spirit.
O Great Mystery
Words & music by John R. Williams, ©2013.
In English and Latin.
O great mystery,
O magnum mysterium! O great mystery!
Wonder of wonders,
Beyond comprehension,
the turning point of history,
the secret long kept hidden close,
at last revealed:
God Himself
God Himself takes on flesh,
takes on flesh
to dwell among us,
God with us.
O great mystery,
O magnum mysterium! O great mystery!
Filium Dei Son of God
et incarnatus est. and was made flesh.
Christ the Son of God comes down
In love He comes to save His own
Takes human form:
God Himself,
God Himself takes on flesh,
takes on flesh to dwell among us,
God with us.
God with us.
The Holy Spirit hovers,
hovers in overshadowing joy
upon a willing virgin
named Mary
to conceive a baby boy.
Maker of galaxies,
of heaven and earth
now shrunk small,
to save us all
God with us.
Yes, God is with us.
O great mystery,
O magnum mysterium! O great mystery!
Wonder of wonders,
beyond comprehension
The turning point of history,
the secret long kept hidden close,
at last revealed:
God Himself,
God Himself takes on flesh,
takes on flesh to dwell among us,
God with us.
Yes, God is with us.
Made Flesh
Poetry by Luci Shaw. Included by kind permission from Luci Shaw.
Poem found in A Widening Light: Poems of the Incarnation, Regent College Publishing,
©1984 by Luci Shaw.
Music by John R. Williams, ©2010.
the bright beam of hot annunciation
fused heaven with dark earth
his searing sharply focused light
went out for a while
eclipsed in amniotic gloom:
his cool immensity of splendor
his universal grace
small-folded in a warm dim
female space–
the Word stern-sentenced
to be nine months dumb–
infinity walled in a womb
until the next enormity–
the Mighty, after submission
to a woman’s pains
helpless on a barn-bare floor
first-tasting bitter death.
I in him surrender
to the crush and cry of birth.
Because eternity
was closeted in time
he is my open door
to forever.
From his imprisonment my freedoms grow,
find wings.
Part of his body, I transcend this flesh.
From his sweet silence my mouth sings.
Out of his dark I glow.
My life, as his,
slips through death’s mesh,
time’s bars,
joins hands with heaven,
speaks with stars.
Mark Me With Love
Lyrics by Mim Wickett, ©2016.
Music by John R. Williams, ©2016.
To the cross, our faithful Saviour journeyed
Binding grief by His willing embrace
On His brow, the crown of death defeated
Bitter wine now suffused with His grace.
Cover me with wounded hands of mercy
Lift my eyes to beauty above
Dust to dust, and these ashes return to ashes
Mark me, Lord, with your unfailing love.
Seeking rest, these heavy chains I offer
Set me free as I kneel at Your feet
Hear my voice in dark and barren season
Heal my life, make the broken complete.
Fragile flesh, from dust of earth created
Claimed by dust at the end of our days
Breathe on me, eternal Holy Spirit
Life and joy evermore in me raise.
Cover me with wounded hands of mercy
Lift my eyes to beauty above
Dust to dust, and these ashes return to ashes
Mark me Lord, with your unfailing love.
Mark me in remembrance
Mark me with love
Mark me in remembrance
With the sign and hope of the cross.
May Your name, O Christ, be my confession
Search my heart, touch my lips, make me pure.
I have found redemption in repentance
Richly blessed, I am ransomed, secure.
Cover me with wounded hands of mercy
Lift my eyes to beauty above
Dust to dust, and these ashes return to ashes
Mark me, Lord, with your unfailing love.
Mark me in remembrance
Mark me with love
Mark me in remembrance
With the sign and hope of the cross.
Agnus Dei
Text: Based on John 1:29, the words of John the Baptist, and the opening line of the ancient prayer in Latin common in Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran and other liturgies.
Music by John R. Williams, ©1995.
Agnus Dei Lamb of God
qui tollis who takes away
peccata mundi the sins of the world
miserere nobis. have mercy upon us.
Eloï, Eloï
Text: In French. Contains Isaiah 53:5 (4th stanza) and Mark 15:34 (7th stanza).
The rest of the lyrics are by John R. Williams, ©2001.
Music by John R. Williams, ©2001.
Quand je contemple When I contemplate
la douleur the pain
que Jésus a éprouvé that Jesus experienced
à la croix on the cross,
je frissonne, je frissonne. I shiver, I shiver.
Au son ignoble des injures To the crude sound of insults
suspendu, cloué, suspended, nail-pierced,
couronné d’épines, crowned with thorns
il a subi la torture ultime. He bore the ultimate torture.
Car il a porté sur ce bois For He carried on that wood
les transgressions the sins
du monde entier of the entire world
en sacrifice expiatoire. in sacrificial payment.
Il était blessé He was wounded
pour nos péchés, for our sins
brisé pour nos iniquités. broken for our iniquities.
Le châtiment The chastisement
qui nous donne la paix which gives us peace
est tombé sur lui. has fallen upon him.
Quand je contemple When I contemplate
la douleur the pain
que Jésus a éprouvé that Jesus experienced
à la croix on the cross,
je frissonne, je frissonne. I shiver, I shiver.
Et quand je médite And when I meditate on
les paroles de Jésus the words of Jesus
mourant à la croix, dying on the cross,
de Jésus, fils de Dieu, of Jesus, Son of God,
mourant pour moi dying for me
à la croix, je frémis: on the cross, I tremble:
“Eloï, Eloï “Eloi, Eloi,
lama sabachthani?” lama sabachthani?”
“Mon Dieu, mon Dieu “My God, my God
pourquoi m’as-tu why have you
abandonné?” forsaken me?”
Ce cri terrible, This cry so terrible,
Ô mon Seigneur, Jésus, O my Saviour, Jesus,
qu’il soit toujours may it be always
pour moi l’indice for me the indicator
du prix of the price
de ma delivrance. of my deliverance.
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Lyrics by Charles Wesley (1707-1788), melody by Simon Marsh (1798-1875).
Public Domain.
Arranged by John R. Williams, ©2011.
Jesus, lover of my soul
Let me to Thy bosom fly.
While the nearer waters roll
While the tempest still is high
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide!
Till the storm of life is past
Safe into the haven guide,
Oh, receive my soul at last!
Other refuge have I none
Hangs my helpless soul on Thee.
Leave, ah, leave me not alone
Still support and comfort me.
All my trust in Thee is stayed,
All my help from Thee I bring
Cover my defenseless head
With the shadow of Thy wing.
Thou, O Christ, art all I want
More than all in Thee I find.
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint
Heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Just and holy is Thy name!
I am all unrighteousness.
False and full of sin I am,
Thou art full of truth and grace.
Plenteous grace with Thee is found
Grace to cover all my sin.
Let the healing streams abound,
Make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the fountain art,
Freely let me take of Thee.
Spring Thou up within my heart
Rise to all eternity.
Le Bon Berger (Psaume 23)
Text: Setting in French of Psalm 23, of David, with 2nd line based on John 10:11 & 14.
Music by John R. Williams, ©2001. Composed in Montreal.
L’Éternel est mon berger The Lord is my shepherd
Il est le Bon Berger He is the Good Shepherd
Je ne manquerai de rien I will lack nothing
Je ne manquerai de rien I will lack nothing
L’Éternel est mon berger The Lord is my shepherd
Il me fait reposer He makes me lie down
Dans la verdure in the greenery
De ses pâturages. of His pastures.
Il me dirige He leads me
auprès des eaux paisibles, by waters still
Il restaure mon âme He restores my soul
Il me conduit He leads me
dans les sentiers in the paths
de la justice of righteousness
à cause de son nom, for the sake of His name,
à cause de son nom. for the sake of His name.
Même dans la vallée de la mort, Even in the valley of death,
je ne craindrai aucun mal. I will fear no evil
Même devant l’ombre de la mort, Even before the shadow of death,
Ta ferme hulette me rassure. Your strong staff comforts me.
Même en face de mes adversaires, Even before my adversaries
Tu dresses devant moi une table, You set me before me a table
Tu oins ma tête de ton huile, You anoint my head with oil
et ma coupe déborde! and my cup overflows!
Tu es avec moi You are with me
Tu es avec moi You are with me
Tu es avec moi! You are with me!
Je ne craindrai aucun mal I will fear no evil
Tu es avec moi You are with me
Tu es avec moi. You are with me.
L’Éternel est mon berger The Lord is my shepherd
Il est le Bon Berger He is the Good Shepherd
Je ne manquerai de rien I will lack nothing
Je ne manquerai de rien I will lack nothing
L’Éternel est mon berger The Lord is my shepherd
Il me fait reposer He makes me lie down
Dans la verdure In the greenery
De ses pâturages. of His pastures.
Oui, le bonheur Yes, goodness
et la grâce and mercy
m’accompagneront will accompany me
tous les jours de ma vie. all the days of my life.
J’habiterai dans la maison I will dwell in the house
de l’Éternel of the Lord
jusqu’à la fin de mes jours, Until the end of my days,
la fin de mes jours! the end of my days!
Même dans la vallée de la mort, Even in the valley of death,
je ne craindrai aucun mal. I will fear no evil
Même devant l’ombre de la mort, Even before the shadow of death,
Ta ferme hulette me rassure. Your strong staff comforts me.
Même en face de mes adversaires, Even before my adversaries
Tu dresses devant moi une table, You set me before me a table
Tu oins ma tête de ton huile, You anoint my head with oil
et ma coupe déborde! and my cup overflows!
Tu es avec moi You are with me
Tu es avec moi You are with me
Tu es avec moi! You are with me!
Je ne craindrai aucun mal I will fear no evil
Tu es avec moi You are with me
Tu es avec moi. You are with me.
L’Éternel est mon berger The Lord is my shepherd
Il est le Bon Berger He is the Good Shepherd
L’Éternel est mon berger. The Lord is my shepherd.